Waiting in line for Mozart…

Everybody has already received it, my managers, my pr agency, even amazon received it though they are not allowed to sell it yet. I seem to be the only one to whom the package has not been delivered. The package from Naïve with the first batch of my new Mozart CD. Since I live in […]

Mozart – a foretaste

My new Mozart-Album for Naïve will be released in a few days. See now excerpts from the recording session in Lugano: watch

A journey through Schubert´s last year

In December I performed for the first time the last three Schubert Sonatas in one concert. I was looking forward to this event for years and I am thankful to Stefano Lania in Bergamo who insisted for having this project in his concert series. It is a rare and special pleasure when an organizer encourages […]


Welcome to the newly re-designed website! Here you can find information on my upcoming concerts and recordings, as well as some biographical information and press.  In the “media” section, there is a selection of audio and video clips from studio recordings and live performances, a discography and some photographs for download. The website will be […]